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Members of the Team

Members past and present of the Fix Enhancers team.

If you believe you would make a good fit to be a part of the Fix Enhancers team then please send an email to with evidence of some of the kind of work you have done and the team will then take a look at this and be in further contact with you.

JokerAlex 21 Logo

JokerAlex 21:
Team Admin
Reverse Engineer
Main Tester
Guide Developer
Video Editor

I have been playing video games all my life and have watched them evolve in many different ways over three decades.

I graduated from Portsmouth University with First Class Honours in BSc Computer Games Technology and have also worked as a QA Tester at RockSteady Studios.

I am a YouTube content creator covering multiple video games and have a desire to show them off in the best quality possible for everyone to see and enjoy.

I have always had a preservation mind set with gaming and don't wish to see past games lost or left in an outdated state for people to play. I spent time reverse engineering multiple games to allow them to push their functionality and presentation above their original capabilities. I make them available for everyone on YouTube as a series to watch and also publish a guide on how they can achieve this quality themselves. 

In late 2022 I branched out in my reverse engineering by forming with Chip, what was eventually called the Fix Enhancers team with the goal of helping provide simple to use fixes for multiple games. The fixes help to improve these games so they can be played on newer technology to modern standard and also resolve major issues with certain games that have prevented them from working as intended.

Chip Logo

Reverse Engineer

Mod developer 
 DLL developer 
Logo Designer

I started playing games and using computers at a very early age. At the age of 5 I was playing Star Wars Episode 1 Phantom Menace.
I love seeing how things work in intricate detail, picking them apart and then re-assembling them, but perhaps better than they once were be it physical or on a computer.
I started out playing around on Unreal Engine making small games and then I branched out into modding games like Harry Potter, Simpsons Hit and Run, Hogwarts Legacy and Star Wars Battlefront.
This then grew into I wonder if I could learn reverse engineering and coding in general to help in making nostalgic pc games better and more playable in the modern days not to mention I hate it when games have a zoomed in camera with no option to zoom out so I became very interested in patching FOV at first in particular.
Here we are now I enjoy c++, assembly, low level, reverse engineering and programming in general as well as hardware, creating dlls, patching FOV, FPS, resolution, aspect ratio and so on in x86 games on pc. I do plan to perhaps broaden out to x64 and maybe even consoles. So keep an eye on this space.

Special thank you to past members

Blankname (Reverse Engineer)

Jukedluke (Tester)

Mr Doom (Tester)

Fix Enhancers Logo

Created by Fix Enhancers
Website developed by

JokerAlex 21

Fix Enhancers is not endorsed by, affiliated with, maintained or sponsored by the relevant companies owning the games featured on the site. All video content, games titles, trade names, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks and or copyright material of their respective owners.

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